Play Core 原生 SDK

下載 Play Core Native SDK



Last modified: September 24, 2020
  1. By using the Play Core Software Development Kit, you agree to these terms in addition to the Google APIs Terms of Service ("API ToS"). If these terms are ever in conflict, these terms will take precedence over the API ToS. Please read these terms and the API ToS carefully.
  2. For purposes of these terms, "APIs" means Google's APIs, other developer services, and associated software, including any Redistributable Code.
  3. “Redistributable Code” means Google-provided object code or header files that call the APIs.
  4. Subject to these terms and the terms of the API ToS, you may copy and distribute Redistributable Code solely for inclusion as part of your API Client. Google and its licensors own all right, title and interest, including any and all intellectual property and other proprietary rights, in and to Redistributable Code. You will not modify, translate, or create derivative works of Redistributable Code.
  5. Google may make changes to these terms at any time with notice and the opportunity to decline further use of the Play Core Software Development Kit. Google will post notice of modifications to the terms at Changes will not be retroactive.
下載 Play Core Native SDK

下載及使用 Google Play Core 原生 SDK,即表示您同意遵守《Play Core 軟體開發套件服務條款》。

Play Core 原生 SDK 可為所選的 Google Play 程式庫 (包括 Play Asset Delivery) 提供 C/C++ API 介面。這個 SDK 旨在使用 CMake 建構 ARM 和 x86 原生資料庫,並透過 Gradle 產生 Android App Bundle 和 APK。


  1. 執行下列其中一項操作:

  2. 使用 SDK Manager 安裝最新的 CMake 和 Android Native Development Kit (NDK),讓 Android Studio 準備進行原生開發。如要進一步瞭解如何建立或匯入原生專案,請參閱 NDK 入門指南

  3. 下載 ZIP 檔案,然後將其連同專案一起解壓縮。

    下載連結 大小 SHA-256 核對和
    36 MiB 782a8522d937848c83a715c9a258b95a3ff2879a7cd71855d137b41c00786a5e
  4. 請更新應用程式的 build.gradle 檔案,如下所示:


        // App build.gradle
        plugins {
          id ''
        // Define a path to the extracted Play Core SDK files.
        // If using a relative path, wrap it with file() since CMake requires absolute paths.
        def playcoreDir = file('../path/to/playcore-native-sdk')
        android {
            defaultConfig {
                externalNativeBuild {
                    cmake {
                        // Define the PLAYCORE_LOCATION directive.
                        arguments "-DANDROID_STL=c++_static",
                ndk {
                    // Skip deprecated ABIs. Only required when using NDK 16 or earlier.
                    abiFilters 'armeabi-v7a', 'arm64-v8a', 'x86', 'x86_64'
            buildTypes {
                release {
                    // Include Play Core Library proguard config files to strip unused code while retaining the Java symbols needed for JNI.
                    proguardFile '$playcoreDir/proguard/common.pgcfg'
                    proguardFile '$playcoreDir/proguard/gms_task.pgcfg'
                    proguardFile '$playcoreDir/proguard/per-feature-proguard-files'
                debug {
            externalNativeBuild {
                cmake {
                    path 'src/main/CMakeLists.txt'
        dependencies {
            // Import these feature-specific AARs for each Google Play Core library.
            implementation ''
            implementation ''
            implementation ''
            implementation ''
            // Import these common dependencies.
            implementation ''
            implementation files("$playcoreDir/playcore-native-metadata.jar")


    // App build.gradle.kts
    plugins {
    // Define a path to the extracted Play Core SDK files.
    // If using a relative path, wrap it with file() since CMake requires absolute paths.
    val playcoreDir = file("../path/to/playcore-native-sdk")
    android {
        defaultConfig {
            externalNativeBuild {
                cmake {
                    // Define the PLAYCORE_LOCATION directive.
                    arguments += listOf("-DANDROID_STL=c++_static", "-DPLAYCORE_LOCATION=$playcoreDir")
            ndk {
                // Skip deprecated ABIs. Only required when using NDK 16 or earlier.
                abiFilters += listOf("armeabi-v7a", "arm64-v8a", "x86", "x86_64")
        buildTypes {
            release {
                // Include Play Core Library proguard config files to strip unused code while retaining the Java symbols needed for JNI.
            debug {
        externalNativeBuild {
            cmake {
                path = "src/main/CMakeLists.txt"
    dependencies {
        // Import these feature-specific AARs for each Google Play Core library.
        // Import these common dependencies.
  5. 請更新應用程式的 CMakeLists.txt 檔案,如下所示:

    cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.6)
    # Add a static library called “playcore” built with the c++_static STL.
    // In this example “main” is your native code library, i.e.
    add_library(main SHARED
    target_include_directories(main PRIVATE

Play Core 軟體開發套件服務條款

上次修改日期:2020 年 9 月 24 日
  1. 使用 Play Core 軟體開發套件,即表示您同意遵守本條款,以及《Google API 服務條款》(以下簡稱「API 服務條款」)。如果本條款與 API 服務條款相牴觸,應以本條款為準。請詳閱本條款和 API 服務條款。
  2. 就本條款而言,「API」是指 Google 的 API、其他開發人員服務和相關軟體,包括任何可轉散發程式碼。
  3. 「可轉散發程式碼」是指 Google 提供的物件程式碼或標頭檔案,用於呼叫 API。
  4. 根據本條款和 API 服務條款的規定,您可以複製並發布可轉散發程式碼,但只能納入為 API 用戶端的一部分。Google 及其授權人對「可轉散發的程式碼」擁有所有權利、所有權和利益,包括任何和所有智慧財產權及其他專有權利。您不得對可轉散發程式碼進行修改、翻譯或製造衍生作品。
  5. Google 可隨時變更本條款。條款有所異動時,Google 會發出通知並提供選項,讓開發人員可以拒絕繼續使用 Play Core 軟體開發套件。Google 會在 發布條款修訂通知。變更將不溯及既往。


Play Core 原生 SDK 可收集版本相關資料,讓 Google 能夠改善產品,這包括:

  • 應用程式的套件名稱
  • 應用程式的套件版本
  • Play Core 原生 SDK 版本

當您將應用程式套件上傳至 Play 管理中心時,系統就會收集這類資料。如要選擇退出此資料收集程序,請移除 build.gradle 檔案中的 $playcoreDir/playcore-native-metadata.jar 匯入項目。

請注意,上述與使用 Play Core 原生 SDK 相關的資料收集行為,以及 Google 使用所收集資料的行為,與您在上傳應用程式套件至 Play 管理中心時,Google 收集 Gradle 中宣告的程式庫依附元件無關。