@Composable fun BottomAppBarExample() { Scaffold( bottomBar = { BottomAppBar( actions = { IconButton(onClick = { /* do something */ }) { Icon(Icons.Filled.Check, contentDescription = "Localized description") } IconButton(onClick = { /* do something */ }) { Icon( Icons.Filled.Edit, contentDescription = "Localized description", ) } IconButton(onClick = { /* do something */ }) { Icon( Icons.Filled.Mic, contentDescription = "Localized description", ) } IconButton(onClick = { /* do something */ }) { Icon( Icons.Filled.Image, contentDescription = "Localized description", ) } }, floatingActionButton = { FloatingActionButton( onClick = { /* do something */ }, containerColor = BottomAppBarDefaults.bottomAppBarFabColor, elevation = FloatingActionButtonDefaults.bottomAppBarFabElevation() ) { Icon(Icons.Filled.Add, "Localized description") } } ) }, ) { innerPadding -> Text( modifier = Modifier.padding(innerPadding), text = "Example of a scaffold with a bottom app bar." ) } }