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Google Play for Education service update

Google Play for Education refers to the Google Play for Education store and its Android device management features in the U.S., UK, and Canada. Other Google for Education products, for example Chromebook device management, aren't affected by this change.

  • As of June 1, 2018, all Google Play for Education devices are past their end-of-life date. The Google Play for Education website and Google Support service has been discontinued.
  • Customers can continue to use their Android for Education devices as is, or they can repurpose these devices. To reset your Android device to factory settings, see Reset your Android device to factory settings.
  • Chromebook customers, who force-installed Chrome Apps through the Google Play for Education website, are encouraged to manage and distribute apps through the Google Admin console.
  • To allow educators to push apps to Chromebooks by organizational unit through the Google Admin console, see Delegate administrator roles in Chrome.
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